Conference Videos Datesort ascending
L -Functions in Analytic Number Theory 1 2024
Mini Conference on Symbolic Dynamics at UBC 7 2024
2024 CRM-PIMS Summer School in Probability 41 2024
Comparative Prime Number Theory 28 2024
UBC Number Theory Seminar 13 2023
PIMS-FACTS Workshop on Forecasting and Mathematical modeling for Renewable Energy 19 2023
Changing the Culture 2023 1 2023
A Day to Celebrate Women and Diversity in Mathematics 4 2023
University of Regina PIMS Distinguished Lecture 6 2023
Mini-course in algebraic geometry over idempotent semirings 2 2023
ULethbridge Distinguished Speaker Series 1 2023
L-Functions in Analytic Number Theory Seminar 7 2022
UBC Math Biology Seminar Series 2 2022
Mathematics of Ethical Decision-making Systems 1 2022
m2pi2022 1 2022
Moments of L-functions Workshop 25 2022
Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures 2022: Floer Homotopy Theory 26 2022
PIMS- IFDS- NSF Summer School on Optimal Transport 16 2022
Changing the Culture 2022 2 2022
2022 Celebration of Women in Mathematics 2 2022
PIMS-UVic Department Colloquium 1 2022
PIMS-UVic Distinguished Colloquium 2 2022
Emer 1 2022
Pacific Workshop on Probability and Statistical Physics 16 2021
PIMS Network Courses 5 2021
Differential Equations and Algebraic Geometry 5 2021
Workshop on Mean Field Games on Networks 23 2021
2nd PIMS Summer School on Algebraic Geometry in High Energy Physics 16 2021
PRIMA 2021 Summer School: Rational curves and moduli spaces in arithmetic geometry 6 2021
2021 Frontiers in Biophysics 10 2021
CMS Scientific Session on Quantum Mathematics 11 2021
Changing the Culture 2021 3 2021
Changing the Culture 3 2021
Women in Mathematics Day 2021 1 2021
PIMS Workshop on New Trends in Localized Patterns in PDES 21 2021
PIMS-UVic Math Colloquium 1 2021
Kantorovich Initiative Seminar 26 2021
PIMS Network Wide Colloquium 15 2021
PIHOT kick-off event 7 2021
PIMS-UVic Discrete Math Seminar 4 2021
Geometry of Numbers 13 2021
Celebrating the Life of Dr. Richard Guy 1 2020
The Unsolved Problems Conference: Celebrating the living legacy of the mathematics of Richard Guy 6 2020
quanTA CRG Seminar 6 2020
Cascade Toplogy Seminar 5 2020
Emergent Research: The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar 53 2020
Diversity in Math Summer School 1 2020
Qolloquium: A One-Day Conference on Quivers, Representations, Resolutions 6 2020
CAIMS- PIMS Coronavirus Modelling Conference 1 2020
CAIMS - PIMS Coronavirus Modelling Conference 27 2020
West Coast Dynamics Seminar 5 2020
bcCOVID-19group public seminar 1 2020
Pacific Dynamics Seminar 22 2020
Online working seminar in Ergodic Theory 25 2020
University of Utah Seminar in Ergodic Theory 20 2020
Mathematical Biology Seminar 52 2020
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar 32 2020
PIMS - UBC Mathematical Sciences Young Faculty Award 1 2019
Peter Scherk Lecture in Geometry 2 2019
Levin Fest 2 2019
Workshop on Arithmetic Topology 20 2019
PIMS Distinguished Colloquium 2 2019
Discrete Math Seminar 1 2018
IAM-PIMS Distinguished Colloquium Series 1 2018
PIMS-UBC Math Department Colloquium 1 2018
Diversity in Mathematics 1 2018
BCData 2018 1 2018
2018 Niven Lecture 1 2018
PIMS-UBC Math Distinguished Colloquium 2 2017
Current Trends in Dynamical Systems and the Mathematical Legacy of Rufus Bowen 2 2017
PIMS UBC Distinguished Colloquium 1 2017
PIMS-CRM Summer School in Probability 2017 41 2017
2017 Niven Lecture 2 2017
Focus Period on Representations in Arithmetic 1 2017
Mathematical Imaging Science 3 2017
Vancouver Lunchbox Lecture Series 1 2017
PIMS 20th Anniversary Celebration 1 2016
UBC-PIMS Mathematical Sciences Faculty Award 3 2016
UBC Math Department Colloquium 2 2016
Canadian Number Theory Association 2016 1 2016
PIMS Workshop on Nonlocal Variational Problems and PDEs 3 2016
2016 Niven Lecture 1 2016
Lunchbox Lecture Series 4 2016
PIMS-UManitoba Distinguished Lecture 21 2016
UBC Statistics Distinguished Speaker 1 2015
PIMS CRG in Explicit Methods for Abelian Varieties 20 2015
PIMS-IMA Math Modeling in Industry XIX 17 2015
Alberta Mathematics Dialog 5 2015
PIMS-UVic Distinguished Lecture 3 2015
PIMS/UBC/IAM Distinguished Colloquium 1 2014
SCAIM Seminar 1 2014
The Calgary Mathematics & Philosophy Lectures 7 2014
IMA-PIMS Math Modeling in Industry Workshop 13 2014
The Economics and Mathematics of Systemic Risk and Financial Networks 18 2014
PIMS Public Seminar 1 2014
PIMS Undergraduate Workshop on Supersymmetry 1 2014
2014 Niven Lecture 1 2014
Shell Lunchbox Lectures 5 2014
Statistics 1 2013
Recent advances in Hodge theory 1 2013
2013 Niven Lecture 1 2013
International Workshop on the Perspectives on High Dimensional Data Analysis III 1 2013
Emerging Aboriginal Scholars Summer Camp 1 2013
UBC Statistics Departmental Seminar 1 2013
Topology Seminar 1 2013
Special Lecture 2 2013
PIMS Public Lecture 2 2013
Constance Van Eeden Speaker 1 2013
Disease Dynamics 2013 12 2013
Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013 5 2013
Constance van Eeden Invited Speaker, UBC Statistics Department 4 2013
Math Mania 1 2012
PIMS Speaker series 2 2012
Louise and Richard K. Guy Lecture Series 5 2012
Hot Topics in Computational Criminology 11 2012
PIMS/UBC Distinguished Lecture Series 3 2012
Focus Program on Geometry, Mechanics and Dynamics 1 2012
Marsden Memorial Lecture 1 2012
PIMS-MPrime Summer School in Probability 59 2012
PIMS Distinguished Lecturer 2 2012
2012 Niven Lecture 1 2012
Mathematical Cell Biology Summer Course 50 2012
Alan Turing Year 6 2012
Hugh C. Morris Lecture 6 2011
PIMS/UBC Distinguished Colloquium 16 2011
Pacific Northwest Probability Seminar 1 2011
Emerging Aboriginal Scholars 1 2011
PIMS/UBC Distinguished Colloquium Series 3 2011
ICIAM 2011 1 2011
Category Theory 2011 1 2011
2011 IGTC Summit 6 2011
AMP Math Biology Workshop 7 2011
IGTC Summit 1 2011
Summer at the HUB 1 2011
Analytic Aspects of L-functions and Applications to Number Theory 27 2011
2011 Niven Lecture 1 2011
Canadian Operator Symposium 2011 (COSY) 1 2011
JonFest 2011, Computation & Analytical Mathematics Conference 1 2011
Changing the Culture 2011 3 2011
IAM-PIMS-MITACS Distinguished Colloquium Series 2 2011
BIRS First Nations Math Education Workshop 6 2009
CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize Lecture 5 2007
1st PRIMA Congress 12 2007
PIMS 10th Anniversary Lectures 2 2006
51 2000
Mini Courses by Distinguished Chairs 4 2000